Why you should stop programming now

You! Yes, you! You should stop programming now! Think about the last 10 apps you’ve built. They’ve all been the same. Every app has authentication, logging, and many forms. You can call these forms anything you want – pages, forms, interactive widgets, or creations of the very artistic you, but the bottom line is the […]

Introducing Zoltar

Two years ago, Zuilder introduced Einstein, an artificial intelligence engine that acted as a rule engine and an expert system. A year later, Einstein added an AI gateway, allowing developers to access APIs of third party artificial intelligenceĀ engines right from Zuilder. Most recently, Einstein introducedĀ support for decision trees and BPM workflows. Now that we’ve accomplished […]

The new face of innovation is here

Innovation is fun, especially when it has a face. In addition to having a ton of great new capabilities, Zuilder 7 now features a cool new graphical user interface. For now you only get to see a screen shot, but this screen shot has a lot behind it. You will see it when it comes […]

MongoDB is cool. And it works with Zuilder

MongoDB has always been the coolest database product out there. Not better than relational database products. Just different. There are lots of business cases for MongoDB. We always had a hidden feature in Zuilder – the MongoDB driver. But now we are making it officially supported. You can add an external datasource to a MongoDB […]

Version 7 is coming

We’ve heard a lot of you ask what’s coming in version seven. We’ve always been secretive about our plans and we don’t like to talk about it, but we’ve decided to disclose it this time. Why? Because we already have secret plans for the next 10 versions, and the next three versions are already planned, […]

Why we are here

Most companies start blogs before they have a product. In fact, they usually start with a guy and a dream. We are a bit further than this. We are on version six, with version seven coming out soon. So why start now? Because you’ve asked! Over the past year, we’ve accumulated a small but loyal […]